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Upcoming Events


Wednesday Training

Each Wednesday Lotus riders will ride out of The Westbrook Community Centre at 6:00pm sharp. Lotus workouts will evolve from long and moderate efforts to shorter harder efforts as the season progresses. Riders will begin with endurance intervals building aerobic oxygen rich fitness and the ability to ensure longer efforts. Topics to be discussed and practice are springing, accelerating, bridging gaps and attacking for some. For others we will discuss clipping in, climbing, cornering and pacing. The Lotus Training Plan is structured such that Wednesday evenings are about training your body to become a fitter and faster cyclist!

Saturday Group Rides

Saturday morning group rides start at the planetarium parking lot at 8:30 am sharp.  While the primary focus of our Wednesday night training is to improve our fitness development, our Saturday rides are all about group riding skills and etiquette. We want the focus through the season for our group riding to be on pace-lining, keeping tight, maintaining and even speed, taking turns pulling - and no hammering off the front. This sport is all about team work and why you join the club!